Got a flat tire? Need tire change? Call us now!
Why Choose Us
Fast Arrival Times
We guarantee 15-20 minute arrival times with speedy service! We are only 1 call away. Dedicated drivers with immediate dispatching.
Affordable Prices
Customer friendly pricing for all! 24 Hour Roadside Assistance. Lowest prices in town.
Great Customer Service
Professional drivers with excellent customer service skills. Leave with a smile. Your time is valuable, and we aim to get you back on the road.
Locked keys in car? Need car lockout? Call us now!
Car wont start? Need a jump? Call us now!
About Us
Established in 2017.
In Omaha Nebraska, Litty Rescue was discovered in 2017 by Eric Kimbrough. He started out contracting through many well reputable insurance companies. All State and Progressive to name a few. With the experienced used to assists hundreds of individuals on the road with malfunctions, he thrives to help everyone become rescued, in a friendly, productive fast pace style.